Rebecca Keevil
graphic artist & archivist

Rebecca Keevil is a graphic artist and archivist. Her work focuses on finding, isolating, enhancing and preserving textures, design, and colour in places where you wouldn't expect -- like union cattleman directories, garden association newsletters. or physiotherapy manuals. To do this, she digs through digital repositories and estate sale book boxes, looking for historical periodicals, audits and annual reviews. These mass-produced objects were ubiquitously accessible to their intended audiences at the time of creation. She seeks to expand their audience through focusing on the beauty of the design, paper textures and imperfections. Outside of the archives, Rebecca is interested in emulating mid-century print aesthetics through the creation of faux-historical materials, particulary textbooks and manuals. Labour and trades handbooks are of particular interest, and the unique contradictive object-reverence and impersonality contained within.

Current projects include modernizing the Vancouver School Board Archives, documenting  seismic upgrades in the Vancouver school system, and creating light-objects with materials found at local estate sales.